Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Knit Pattern for the Special Olympics Scarf

At long last, I'm posting the pattern for my Knit Special Olympics scarf! Keeping with the basic guidelines at the site I decided to create my own pattern...

Measurements: 6" wide x 60" long, excluding fringe.

Gauge: 11 stitches = 3” in garter stitch
Row gauge is not critical, as the rows are repeated until almost 6” is reached.

1 skein each
Red Heart Supersaver Blue (#0886) - A
Red Heart Supersaver Turqua (#0512) - B
Needles: Size 10 (6 mm) 24” circular needle

NOTE: The scarf is worked lengthwise.
Do not break off the yarn when changing to a new color. You can carry the other color up the side and pick up again, as needed, for each color change.

Using A, cast on 220 stitches, using a knit cast-on.

Row 1: k
Row 2: Using B, k
Row 3: k
Row 4: Using A, k
Row 5: k

Repeat Rows 2 – 5, until the scarf measures almost 6” wide.

Repeat Row 2 one more time (B), and then bind off in B.
The scarf should now be 6” wide and 60” long.

Cut 12” lengths of both colors of yarn.
Taking one strand for each stripe, tie a fringe across the ends of the scarf, using an A strand for an “A” stripe and a B strand for a “B” stripe.

Trim all the ends to be a uniform length.


  1. Great scarf pattern and so simple for a beginner! I'm hoping to get a few friends to make some with me and this would be great for some of them who are new to knitting.

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. Pretty - I haven't settled on a pattern yet for the scarf I plan to make. I suppose I should actually buy the yarn first...

  3. Thank you so much for your kind words!

  4. Your scarf is very pretty!

    I just checked the Special Olympics project page and the Connecticut program has not yet received any of the 1,950 scarves needed.

    The bad news is I can only do two scarves before the deadline of 2.26.11. The good news is that supposedly the new colors will be posted on the Special Olympics project page sometime in April for the 2012 games. So we'll have more time to do more scarves. yay!

  5. Hi, I posted a picture on the Scarves for Special Olympics page on Facebook that included this scarf. Someone asked for the pattern so I referred them to your photo there. I love this scarf - very fast to knit and great use of the 2 colors.
    (I didn't plan to post as 'Anonymous' but I can't remember my Google sign-in. My name is Patti). Thanks for the great pattern.
