Monday, January 17, 2011

Okay, show of hands...

How many knitters and crocheters out there prepare for a big storm, not so much by perusing the stash of canned goods and water, but by checking the YARN stash???

We are due for a nasty storm of "mixed" precipitation tomorrow. My first though was to make sure I enough WIPs to keep me going. I have one main project - a sweater I'm knitting (natch), a more complicated project involving many cables and odd stitches I've never attempted before, the granny stripe afghan project, and of course TONS of stash (you never know when the urge will hit to cast on or chain up for yet another WIP).

I had the mad idea of using the time to rifle through my supplies and tidy up...yeah, I dismissed the idea, too, when I took one good look at the bedlam.

I started out my crafting life with one crochet hook and one pair of Size 8 straight Boye aluminum knitting needles. I now own hooks and needles to the point (no pun intended) where we could probably sell them out of the house and make enough money for a trip to Cancun. I have an ENTIRE bookcase filled with books and miscellaneous printed patterns (again, we could sell all of this on eBay and retire), plus we won't even go into the yarn stash (at least without riot gear).

So, my plan tomorrow, after working from home, will be to sit happily and work on my WIPs, while watching the weathermen having orgasms over THE BIG STORM!!!


  1. Oh meee! Always have to have a supply of yarn to survive those winter storms!

  2. The last storm we had here in NJ, I hit the yarn shop FIRST!! then the grocery store! I was happy and so were the kids. I had my yarn and they had food... silly kids!

  3. Well, in order--check book stash--visit library if necc.; check yarn stash--visit LYS if necc.; check food stash--visit grocery!

  4. Well, sure. After all if the heat goes out we'll need all that handmade stuff to cover up and stay warm.

  5. I live in Louisiana and even I plan my knitting and knit through your snow storms. If we have snow here ----- it's an occasion for playing outdoors!

  6. When I'm locked in due to weather, I usually end up working on something not related to knitting at all. If we do get bad weather, which isn't likely for the next few days here, I'm set. Yarn with appropriate patterns is available.
